Plateforme de rencontres entre des jeunes talents

Édition en ligne / Online edition
18.09 - 23.09 2023

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OUAGA FILM LAB #7 Call for projects is now open!

Call for project Ouaga Film Lab

OUAGA FILM LAB, first development and co-production laboratory in sub-Saharan Africa, is launching its call for projects for its 7th edition which will take place mid-September 2022 in Ouagadougou (the exact dates will be communicated as soon as possible, depending on the evolution of the sanitary situation).

OUAGA FILM LAB is a meeting platform for talents from the African continent and international consultants. It is a major film incubator in Africa that relies on skills preparation of producers and directors in order to strengthen their competitiveness in the various international laboratories and to facilitate them access to local financing funds and international co-productions.

New! For this 2022 edition, the call for projects is now open to all countries of the African continent, for feature films (fiction or documentary) and series (fiction or documentary).

At the end of the call,12 projects will be selected. The artistic quality of the projects presented, as well as the sensitivity of the subject matter are the main selection criteria.

At the end of the Lab, several writing residency grants in Africa and Europe will be awarded to the best projects.

Registration is free and should be done online : https://www.ouagafilmlab.net
Registration deadline: May 15th, 2022, at 00:00 GMT

All entries must comply with the criteria set out in the rules & regulations and must include all the required documents.  The file must be written in French or English.
Any candidate (director or producer) has the right to submit maximum 2 projects.

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